Any thoughts on the pros and cons of that particular setting from your perspective? They still exist but are backwaters; they were hard to use for most people and had troublesome security problems. Use right arrow key to expand additional submenus. I post the same thing on both and I get responses from Mastodon but very little interaction back from CounterSocial. Skeletons of American mastodon (Mammut americanum) mother and child, in the George C. Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, Los Angeles, California. Q: Counter Social has been accused of being Nationalistic due to the blocking of entire countries from the site. Obama Administration Plotted Election Interference Larwyn's Linx: The Running Battle Between Deputy A Larwyn's Linx: The Deep State Circles the Wagons. Perhaps, on the part of both organizations and individuals, it could involve fostering civil behavior and countering disinformation and hate. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. I can see that some of the smaller Mastodon servers may experience more potential glitches than the existing social media conglomerates if they get hit with huge traffic increases which seems to be happening right now. The layoffs Elon Musk has implemented have taken away important guard rails that insured a free and fair social media platform. That means its not owned by a single company or billionaire. The company offered to give me a personal tutorial, but I declined because thats not something they do for the average person paying for the app. But more automated and with notifications. Carter G. Woodson Middle Level Book Award Teri When you first mentioned you were drafting this item, I was struggling to figure out how to even get into Mastodon, so I didnt understand how Mastodon could take off given its initial complexity. A Mastodon server friendly towards anti-fascists, members of the LGBTQ+ community, hackers, and the like. Hover your mouse over the bottom right corner of the clicker to reveal the small buttons that let you count down or up by the specified steps or simply press the space button on your keyboard. Go to the ClickCounter home page and navigate to the online counter. Following there. Within a submenu, You can change A house in shambles. Thats ultimately what I would like to see, but I understand were small right now, and Ill be adding features and resources to make it stand out from the big boys of social media. Eugen states that. Here you can build, meet, host events, movie nights and pretty much whatever you like. from spoken to written word, written to printed books, etc.). The short answer is because Elon Musk is making a spectacle of himself. But they get blocked by the admins of most of the other instances. They can be gated, open, members only, etc. Over a 30-year publishing career, Ive written on a broad range of topics for a variety of audiences. That number is sure to be much higher now, as I and hundreds more people have added our names to that list this past week. Mastodon, others emerge as options Lesser-known sites are emerging as new (or renewed) alternatives. But editing is being rolled out! The Mastodon site is shown on a smart phone in Oakland, Calif., on Friday, Nov. 11, 2022. Andy laughed. The company also said it will give people the ability to maintain ownership of their published content and to move their posts across different social networks. It's a technique where our technology figures out the first few Be sure to check your privacy settings, both in-app and on your smartphone, and dont hand over contacts just because a company keeps asking for them. Its a decentralized open-source platform, which means rather than joining one company on one platform you have to join an established group hosted by an organization or individual on their server. WebUse the click counter to count the number of any object, score and money. From IndieWeb. The Sizzle Report is a reader-supported publication. Many people are expressing their unhappiness because they are tired of being attacked. And so, still, with Mastodon. If you are a current AAM member, please sign-up using the email address associated with your account. The followers-only mechanism is kind of unintuitive and in my opinion broken. Well not all the time. I can quickly see events unfold in real time from my most-trusted news sources and outlets including fellow journalists I follow on the site. To understand how unique this is, you really need to go back to February of 2016 when The Jester set aside the Hactisvist part of his persona and began creating alternatives to Twitter. Twitter exodus is also happening here, so Id like to let new users know how Mastodon is different from Twitter . These services were the ones which provided the models for the modern massive commercial social networks. I like the look and feel of Tribel but couldnt find any of my current contacts on it and am worried that its already being looked at like the left-leaning version of Truth Social. Theres a lot here to read: blog posts, articles, book excerpts, and more. But they can just browse the web version of your account, without being logged in, and see anything you post publicly. You can post long form blog-style content with text, video and photos in the Story area, or post shorter Scribbles that, as far as I could tell by trial and error,are limited to 275 characters. As I was nearing the completion of this article, it occurred to me, as I am also a member of COSO, I could lend insight and my opinion of the platform as well. All three had a good social environment and were received well by the members, however, there was something missing from the equation A decisive way to defend against nefarious state actors, bot accounts and trolls. Or use an app such as Feedly or Newsify to recreate that Twitter-like constant feed filled with the latest news and information. No ads. *courtesy of @kel (Counter.Social resident graphics guru), COUNTER: (verb) to meet attacks or arguments with defensive or retaliatory steps. In 2014, when Facebook recoded its algorithm to favor organizations that paid to boost their posts, many museums that had become accustomed to free found themselves having to pay to reach their intended audiences. Mastodon has an edit button. Instead of YouTube (Google) try PeerTube. Twitter has become a critical tool in emergency management and disaster response. Banned nations may be added or removed at our discretion. This article is a stub. CounterSocial. Its similar to the way I felt about Instagram and then TikTok though, and finding your stride on a kinder, gentler, less Musk-y social media site might be worth it. Thus far, no nefarious code has been found. Authors Note: For my last question, I admittedly attempted to wax a little too rhapsodic. Active users (last month) 25. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
Thats the default, but server set their own post size limits. Instead of Goodreads (which is owned by Amazon) try BookWyrm. A solid introduction to a charismatic founding father. Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review: "An eye-opening, accurately researched, well-written depiction of Andrew Jackson and his presidency. Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, users irked by the platform's new regime have vowed to move their online presence elsewhere, with German-owned Mastodon A solid account for both history buffs and report-writers." WebCounterSocial is the FIRST Social Network to build in optional native real-time support for 'PreCog Reading Mode'. Similarly, to count in descending order, click the (-) icon. Theres also a definite troll-vibe to a lot of what hes putting out, likecalling credible news sources fake, while tweeting then later deleting a horrific conspiracy theory about the brutal hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. That was the first social media account associated with AAM, and trying out this new realm was part of CFMs work exploring emerging digital tools and their significance for museums. Originally CounterSocial was part of Mastodon which is a distributed, federated social network that forms part of the Fediverse, an interconnected and decentralized network of independently operated servers. Certainly, if the source is open, its hard to charge for it, but begware exists and isnt considered free. Thank you for reading The Sizzle Report. With advanced user protection features such as COSOGUARD identity alerts to help minimize your attack surface, your online footprint instantly becomes safer. Why do we use them? Twitter, the most well-known microblogging site, accommodates 280 characters; Mastodon posts can be up to 500 Trending hashtag #twittermigration points to a new crop of social media sites such as Mastodon, CounterSocial and even newcomer uSync as places social seekers are starting to flock. sparkling. One thing Id add is that Consent and Personal control are an integral part of site design. Examples beyond those you mentioned: The following menu has 3 levels. Partly because we (by which I mean human beings) are lazythese networks are easy to join, everyone else is using them, and they are nominally free. But they arent really freethey bear hidden costs to us individually and to society as a whole. I too have established a Mastodon account; I have no idea what Twitter will turn into under Musk, and I doubt the results will be good. WebWelcome to the virtual reality section of the CounterSocial ecosystem. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menus. Mastodon and CounterSocial do have a form of verification, but its a verification of links, not of identity. Depending on the mood, COSO could be one thing one day, another the next? Do not recommend. Thats important. Must be all that legal investigation in your past. In the spirit of consent snapshot away! Each Instance has its own rules and ToS kind of like neighborhood associations. Interestingly though, Ive seen no meanness yet, everyone seems to want to make it work. These days we have friends and family who may not even be in the same state, and some we have never met in person. The mastodon app itself is quite clunky. Kirkus. Ive been watching that situation (scholar/journa), and part of me wonders if things might settle back into a somewhat more congenial arrangement. By 2019, and another owner corporate owner later (Verizon) it sold in a fire sale for $3M. But I took the plunge on a server, and spent some time looking at the options available. A new or smaller instance is just fine. IMO, its something that migrating users will need to adapt to. A: Twitter is a different animal to COSO, and honestly, I hope it stays that way. Theres a good write-up of its troubled past, as well as its promising future, here. I noticed that when I followed you, you had your account set to require requests to follow rather than just letting anybody follow you. A new baby. It would be another 22 months before that equation would be whole, and we were introduced to a novel idea. May we continue to embrace Kings powerful advice that we pursue multiple, connected lanes in order to achieve racial justice and multiracial democracy. For this, you can add your most trusted news outlet app to your home screen, and enable alerts. You have to choose an instance (or server) to get started. I am unable to follow you on but I can on I suspect it will continue to drop after the November 8 election results are in. Mrmethane's opinion is completely at odds with the facts. In the third definition, it is self-propagatingan idea that spreads itself from one brain to another. February 2022. You can find me on Counter Social @TheSizzleReport. You might already be familiar with Tumblr its been around since 2007, and its easy to use, gorgeously designed, and you might find a lot of your contacts are already there. Sounds unrealistic when you think about it, considering our top two social media sites have yet to effectively safeguard their platforms from such interference. WebA simple tool for counting things and keeping track of numbers. If you want to read more about this at greater length, I wrote four blog posts on it that begin at I like it, but I am concerned that the owner is anonymous and that there IS an owner. The poem in question? For a long term citizens view you may find this interesting. If we can keep the environment safe, respectful and awesome. One needs a passport to become a citizen of the Hyphen-Nation. I test most of these apps with a specific email that I use just for testing apps, and Im careful about what personal information I share with any company, especially the new kids on the block. To join, you can go to on a desktop and click on the Servers link at the top of the page to figure out what group to sign-in with. As a result I created a second account a few days later on a more local server to see if that makes any difference, but its too early to tell. (Like me on Mastodon, talking to 18 followers.) But by Saturday the number of new users had nearly doubled, to 230,000, reports CNN with 655,000 active users. They are now entirely separate. I was like, yeah, but is it right? Besides the charges of bad acting on the part of the corporations through intent or negligence (see above) there is significant data that social media has a negative effect on body image (particularly for women, and teens), can increase loneliness and isolation, and interfere with the development of healthy social relationships. If its open source, its probably free. Social media encourages the spread of meme-viruses. The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit. And I relate to Ned Ludd at times. Okay. Y ou can find the post here. "Readers will emerge with a great deal of respect for a fiercely independent woman who battled sexism to reach the pinnacle of her profession. A self-propagating unit of cultural evolution having a resemblance to the gene (the unit of genetics). A: The nations blocked by our network are well known to be origin points of an overwhelming majority of bots and trolls that are used to engage in influence operations against not only the West but their own neighbors, as well as attempts to disenfranchise and divide social media users worldwide. Whether or not they successfully swayed the 2016 election is still up for debate, however, Russias blatant infiltration of our social media sites is not. * mastodon uses a protocol called ActivityPub which is based on work by Evan Prodromou. The first hurdle you face is trying to figure out how to sign up. Also, be sure to sign up with an alias email, use a strong passwordand two-factor authentication. Very restrictive rule set. 1. while tweeting then later deleting a horrific conspiracy theory, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. The nations blocked contain individuals of all races. Kirkus Reviews, "An enjoyable and informative biography of FDR. Mastodon continues to run pretty smoothly. What were trying to do is make sure weve got an honest and authentic conversation among people that isnt as toxic as what currently exists. Q: What was the motivation behind the creation of CounterSocial? Im starting out following people mostly randomly, then will sort the wheat from the chaff later. Languages German (de) Users 37. This might be a candidate for further reading We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media. It is a global, decentralized social network. revelatory. Questionable business decisions aside, there are growing concerns about the pernicious effects of the business model that fuels the revenue of Twitter and Meta. Dont worry too much about which Instance (Mastodon community) you join. It offers more variety than Twitter and feels like a designer space, while still remaining intuitive, easy to set upand simple to use. A NOTE ABOUT MASTODON. CounterSocial is constantly monitoring the internet ecosystem to mitigate threats to our community. Mastodon's site boasts an easy way to filter out content you don't want to see, by either keyword/phrase, or server. Some of the oldest and largest Instances, overwhelmed by Twitter refugees, are not currently accepting new members. However, for the past two weeks Ive spent the majority of my networking time on another service thats been gaining traction, Mastodon, where I have an account as (and am connected with a grand total of 19 other people. I suspect that all of these servers are a bit overloaded. Its a community of people rather than sites with users. One, Tribel Social is by far the easiest to use. Mastdon has more name recognition, and the fediverse has taken in a tidal wave of twitter refugees. Today I want to offer a primer on Mastodon, with some thoughts on why you might also want to spend some time exploring alternative (i.e., non-commercial) social networks. Originally CounterSocial was part of Mastodon which is a distributed, federated social network that forms part of the Fediverse, an interconnected and decentralized network CounterSocial also shows promisebut hurt my eyes. Social Media is an integral part of this twenty-first century, and the 2016 election is historical proof of just how integral. Its challenging to outline/describe what Im seeing/thinking in comment form. Your email address will not be published. In addition, you can also create events, seek out specific crowds who share an interest, share music, entertainment and even manage your calendar. Everyones talking about Mastodon and its the early front runner for people flying the coop. Discussions About The CounterSocial Social Media App And Web Site. Your email address will not be published. I think in time everything will even out. Every single one of them has a learning curve and who has time for that? A: The primary motivation was to create a place that had built-in security that would mitigate the threats from foreign influence operations as much as possible. Eventually, their use became second nature, and over time almost completely open source. ). Deep thoughts or laugh-breaks: Another reason many of us jump on Twitter is to see what everyones talking about. (Other than those that have been barred for bad behavior.) Learning more about the tools for that sort of self care needs to be higher on my agenda. Simply taking actions that help your health using the various tools available. You can see the number of clicks on the screen. Look for his shadow as the manifestation of 1984. Tally Counter Store 607 N Wenatchee Ave Wenatchee, WA 98801 United States of America; Call us at (509) 239-7890; Navigate. This wonderful technology allows us to stay connected in ways we never have been able to before. Federated means a network of independent instances (servers) able to communicate with each other using the same communication protocol. The final question really is the most significant, because even if you have the security features listed above, it really wont matter if you cant deliver on the question below: Is there an alternative to Twitter and Facebook that users can escape to, free of nefarious state actors, but still has the original idea and appeal behind the glory of social media? Its the difference between giving away free cars (freeware) and giving away the plans that tell people how to build (and, therefore, modify, if they want) the car I designed (open source). True. However, at the time I wrote the article, certain outside influences online were not yet known, nor was the scope of the damage that was inflicted. Our intent is not to make any kind of political or cultural decisions for the human race. If I cant find them there, then I look for their website, newsletter or even podcast to continue getting their tidbits of brilliance. Hi All,After leaving twitter in the mass exodus of 2022 I settled on Mastodon & CounterSocial to access the world. Once you've completed the form below, confirm your subscription in the email sent to you. Press tab to enter the menus and then use your arrow keys, enter, and escape to use the menus. Q: COSOCOM and COSOGUARD? Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menus. Mastodon is a decentralized social network. Ive been trying several out for the last week and honestly? * Whatever mastodons policy on ads, since its AGPL licensed, someone could fork it and make an ad-friendly version of the software. I am COSO, first last and always. Ill be reading the comments so I can correct any accuracies and include things I forgot.. The whole Twitter thing reminds me that single sourcing anything comes with risk and just because its easy doesnt make it right. It is a rare jewel which gives me hope for humanity. 3. : a level surface (such as a table, shelf or display case) over which , This page has been updated, and all the material moved to a new page. Read about the social media platform that actually cares about and protects its users instead of exploiting their information, SOCIAL: (adj) relating to human society, the interaction of the individual or the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society social institutions, MEDIA: (noun) the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing and the internet) regarded collectively. Enable alerts have taken away important guard rails that insured a free and fair Social Media and! Behind the creation of CounterSocial banned nations may be added or removed at our.. 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counter social mastodon